Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You are my Sunshine

Just Thinking
Finding a Treasure.
My Little Sunshine

Annie is my little sunshine. She can be so sweet. She lights up my day and terrorizes
my night. LOL


Denna said...

Great Pictures!!!

AlabamaBrands said...

"... and terrorizes my night..."- hahaha

(great pics by the way)

Omaloriann said...

how precious.

LucisMomma said...

I hope you don't mind me peeking in on your blog...I am a blogger firend of Denna's. Love your first post, and Annie is so lovely. I do love that line about her terrorizing your night...Luci does that to me quite often.

Family said...

A comment to Lucismomma- thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I'm glad you did. Peek in and comment anytime.